Our supplier, Nordic Semiconductor is planning to expand in more verticals while continuing its reign in the Cellular IoT market. Svenn-Tore Larsen, Chief Executive Officer of Nordic Semiconductor, spills the beans on the company’s market forecast for the year, its strategies to work around the chip crisis and how India fits into its global growth plans.
You can read his entire interview on the below links: EETimes Asia: https://www.eetasia.com/nordic-semiconductor-ceo-svenn-tore-larsen-discusses-his-outlook-for-2022/
EFY / Electronics B2B: https://www.electronicsb2b.com/eb-specials/leaders-talk-eb-specials/we-are-going-to-invest-more-in-indian-resources-in-coming-times/
Times Tech: https://timestech.in/digitalmagazine/